You did what instead of figuring out lirc?  That seems harder than using

Sure, I'll update the page after I play with it for a week.  I installed
unclutter and changed my script as such to fix the mouse showing up at
inopportune times:

/usr/bin/xrandr -s 640x480
/usr/bin/unclutter -visible -root -idle 1 -jitter 3 &
killall unclutter
/usr/bin/xrandr -s 800x600

Strange that you had to mess with xset.

On 08/11/2011 09:41 AM, Preston Hagar wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:08 PM, Dan Schmidt <> wrote:
>> Excellent, thanks very much!
>> If I may offer what I have found:
>> 1.  Setting screen to 640x480 and setting the quality to low (look for
>> at the bottom of the screen) seemed to greatly smooth the picture
>> quality on my old computer.  Unable to make freevo work at 640x480
>> (/etc/freevo/freevo.conf - didn't make any difference, freevo was too
>> big!!), I wrote a quick script to launch it as such:
>> /usr/bin/xrandr -s 640x480
>> /usr/bin/huludesktop
>> /usr/bin/xrandr -s 800x600
>> 2.  Finding the mythtv documentation, I got lirc working by adding the
>> '-r' as follows:
>> Followed, of course, by a service lirc restart.
>> Reading the output from irw, I changed my remote type and my
>> button_name_menu in /home/freevo/.huludesktop
>> lirc_remote_identifier = Hauppauge_350
>> button_name_menu = Go
>> I have searched far and wide for documentation on how to add other
>> buttons than the following six, but have found none.  If anybody has any
>> tips, please send along.
>> button_name_up = Up
>> button_name_down = Down
>> button_name_left = Left
>> button_name_right = Right
>> button_name_select = OK
>> button_name_menu = Go
>> Thanks again - great wiki article.  When I get a day off (eventually),
>> I'll try to add a couple of my own.
> Those are some great ideas to add in.  I'll let you add them since you
> are probably more familiar with them then I am.  I run Freevo and Hulu
> at 1366x768, which is I'm sure the reason it gets choppy if I don't
> scale up the CPU.    I also use this USB IR receiver:
> with a Logitech Harmony 300 programmed to emulate it.  It more or less
> just works like a keyboard, so I just had to remap a few keys to make
> it work.  Instead of figuring out lirc, I just setup a "fix
> controller" script that I have on my home screen of Freevo that
> executes the following:
> #!/bin/bash
> xmodmap -display :0 -e 'keycode 162 = u'
> xmodmap -display :0 -e 'keycode 153 = f'
> xmodmap -display :0 -e 'keycode 144 = r'
> xmodmap -display :0 -e 'keycode 176 = m'
> xmodmap -display :0 -e 'keycode 174 = n'
> xmodmap -display :0 -e 'keycode 160 = F3'
> xmodmap -display :0 -e 'keycode 164 = Escape'
> xset -display :0 -dpms
> xset -display :0 s off
> The last two turn off any screen savers since I was having the screen
> go out and not wake back up.  It probably isn't the most elegant way
> to do it, but I just have a big Initialize menu option at the start of
> Freevo and just have to run it if there is a reboot.  I tried putting
> it in as a startup script, but it seems to only work once Freevo is
> loaded, probably because it needs the display to be loaded and ready
> for the xmodmaps.
> Anyway, thanks for the input, glad you liked the HowTo.
> Preston
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