
On 07/17/2011 11:47 AM, Dirk Meyer wrote:
> please read this if you are a Freebo user, even if you are no developer
> at all. I have been thinking about the future of Freevo 2.0 and need all
> your help to get it going somehow.

Sadly, I did not get the response I was hoping for. I cannot code
everything myself, my time is limited.

> The main problem with Freevo 2.0 is my and Jason's lack of time the last
> year. Development was not only slow, it wasn't existant. I now have one
> Freevo-hacking day in my calender each week which may be dropped if the
> weather is too good but it is there and I plan to use it. 

I started changing the internals of kaa.candy which is close to be done.
I still have some problems, but I hope to figure it out.

> 8. kaa.popcorn (or video player) needs clutter support to write on a
> texture. This would enable us to draw on top of the video and put it on
> the background. Again: help needed here. we could either put the mplayer
> output on a texture or use gstreamer. Jason played with the first option
> but the code is not finished yet. Jason: do you think you can finish it?
> Others: do you want to help here? You need to understand kaa.base and
> kaa.popcorn (which you could change to your needs). Besides that,
> mplayer and/or gstreamer. The mplayer integration would also require C
> and clutter knowledge. The gstreamer integration needs pygstreamer. And
> we need to figure out how to integrate it with kaa.candy and the Freevo
> core. That would be my task.

This is my biggest problem. The current code just starts mplayer. No
real DVD support, no overlay. If nobody steps in, this will stay that
way. :(

> 10. I have no time to work on TV support. I need help on working on the
> TV server, the TV devices (e.g. dvbstreamer), the EPG, etc. This is one
> of the major tasks I want to assign a new maintainer.

No TV support from me

> 11. There is not webserver for Freevo 2.0. Anyone willing to take over
> this part? You have complete control what you want to do. I guess you
> have to know your HTML/CSS/JS-fu.
> 12. Android / iPhone support? Not needed but nice to have

Nice to have, but I have no time. But IMHO this is not urgent.

> 14. It has been 2 or 3 years since I last asked for donations and I am
> paying for the server and the domain on my own since the money run out.
> It is only 11 EUR/month but it would be nice if some of you would help
> me out here. You can use paypal and dis...@freevo.org for donations.

I git two donations, one very generous. But these do not even cover the
last years.

> Long mail and I hope to get some feedback. Who is willing to help? Code
> C or Python? Clutter knowledge? Gstreamer? Web-stuff? Or a designer
> without coding? It would be a shame if Freevo dies, but I cannot do this
> alone.

Anyone? If I have to do it myself, Freevo 2.0 will stay the way it is
right now only with a changed GUI backend and some bugs fixed. That
would be sad.


Time is a drug.  Too much of it kills you.
  -- in Small Gods (Terry Pratchett)

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