On Thu, 18 Aug 2011, Alan wrote:

On a side note, I am in no rush to try 2, I fairly happy with Freevo 1.
(For the life of me, I never could get dvbstreamer working nor svn, but
1.9 works for my needs)  And, my wife will kill me if I "mess around
with that thing" anymore.  Never tried XBMC but, if it's anything like
Boxee, it's nice, but it's not Freevo - it's cluttered, sluggish on my
old pentium4, and it doesn't record.  Using Freevo to launch Boxee or
Huludesktop is great, but not enough to make me want to get rid of Freevo.

I am in the same boat as you, I'm hesitant to update my Freevo
installation anytime soon.
I would rather see the bugs present in 1.9 fixed before jumping to a
new version that will probably have its own issues.
For example, Freevo crashes whenever it tries to play a file with
accents or japanese in its name. Some plugins don't work. etc.  These
are all issues that haven't been fixed in a long time, and I don't
think a new version would fix this.

This is going to be a nag email so I do apologies in advance....

Have you reported the issues (ie on the tracker, email doesn't count)? If you don't report them they won't get fixed. I don't have a great deal of
time to do much on freevo at the moment, but if there are bugs there it
does provide an good reason to make some time available.
Or a patch that solves the problems would be even better, cuts out the slow middleman (ie me).


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