So a 'real world' application is one you never quite have enough memory and power for?

Douglas Roberts wrote:
I believe that under optimal conditions (from the perspective of the garbage collecting language) a benchmark can be contrived that equals malloc. I also believe that the converse is true, especially for large applications. I cannot count the times I have had to reboot a LISP machine or kill a Java app because they had ground themselves into the ground attempting a GC.

I suspect, without offering any evidence to support my suspicions that most "real world" applications, i.e. large to the bursting point of the hosts' memory and processing power, will favor malloc over GC.


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Marcus G. Daniels < <>> wrote:

    Stephen Guerin wrote:

        Ah, by control over its own execution, I meant "execution" as
        thread of computation.

    Yeah, I realize the word was overloaded..  See my other e-mail on
    not being able to predictably get resources.  (Scheduling a thread
    is does not imply actually commencing execution.)

    Here I was just getting Doug to confront his prejudice about
    garbage collectors.  ;-)

        I suspect we might adopt more of an cellular apotosis model
        where agents remove themselves unless they constantly receieve
        a keep-alive-message from other agents. There's also the idea
        that there should be a mechanism where agents will migrate
        away from the edge of the network where users are to lower
        cost, high latency parts of the network when they are less in
        demand - a kind of cold storage.

    Cool.  I think biological approaches to resilience and system
    optimization are intriguing..


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