On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:06 PM, Carl Tollander <c...@plektyx.com> wrote:

> So a 'real world' application is one you never quite have enough memory and
> power for?
Yeah, pretty much.

First you build a model that approximates the system you want to model.

Then you realize that there are features that would be *really nice* for it
to have.  So you add them in.

Then, someone come along and says, "Gee, that's nice.  But I would really
like for it to do X, Y, and Z, instead."

So you wedge that in.

Then, it doesn't run fast enough.

Then it runs out of memory.

Then, you design version 2 to address the performance shortcomings.

Repeat cycle as required until your funding agency finds a new contractor.

Doug Roberts
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