In response to Mohammed Beltagy's few lines of poetry related to Osama Bin
Laden's death:
Thank you for submitting those.

Though this situation is/was one fraught with fear, anger, retaliation, and,
as you mention, hatred, we as a country responded in such a way that had me
choking a bit on the size of the response and lack of control of the
response, and also our unwillingness, our continued unwillingness to face
some of the responsibility for the anger and hatred that engendered the
original 9/11 attack. And though I do not believe that terrorist attacks of
that nature are necessarily the result of any nation's specific actions --
and are more often an irrational result of an acumulation of anger, hatred
for a sumtotal of causes and events over a long history, still, it is always
wise to take a look at one's own actions to see how they might have elicited
any tiny part of an action. We have become a country that seems to use war,
rather than alternative actions, as a way to convince ourselves we are
addressing our problems. I find our own international actions have become
extremely warlike and predatorial in nature, rather than thoughtful,
scientific responses to overwhelming environmental and resource problems.
And though I do not condone or support in any way a terrorist action, I
think we need to face that we too are looked on, often, as predatorial,
warring peoples by some other countries, and this does not help our
international presence, or our own national pocketbooks/budget, or even help
us move toward good answers to international problems.

so thanks.
Peggy Miller

Peggy Miller, owner/OEO
Highland Winds
Shop is at 1520 S. 7th St. W. (Just west of Russell)
Art, Photography, Herbs and Writings
406-541-7577 (home/office/shop)
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