Thanks Nick, someone needed to say that.

Sure there are tangents, but as mailing lists go, FRIAM has a pretty high 
signal to noise ratio.

It also has a quite diverse group of participants and lurkers. Sometimes we 
agree, sometimes we don't; sometimes we like to jump on the unpopular side of a 
controversial topic, other times we echo the politically correct view.

For the most part, we have fairly thick skins, though we don't usually need 
them. It would be a shame if we kept the tenor so neutral as to never offend 
anyone. But if someone really finds us that offensive, then like you said, the 
exit sign is brightly lit. Their loss.

;; Gary

On May 6, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:

> RussG, 
> A message such as you wrote is ambiguous because it is a demand TO the list
> to be taken OFF the list.  If you simply wanted to be taken OFF the list,
> the instructions for doing that are at the bottom of every post from the
> list.  So, it sounds like you want us to talk about the decline of the
> relevance to the list for your concerns.  
> I agree that some focus and restraint is important in a forum such as FRIAM.
> As a heavy poster to the list, I feel the sting of your comments, and will
> try to make my contributions sharper in the future.  But I have always found
> the list pretty responsive to any topic that is introduced in a reasonably
> compact manner (not a skill of mine).  So, if you are still with us, I would
> urge you to put a question or concern to the list and see what we do with
> it.  If nothing of value comes of that, then use the instructions at the
> bottom of the list, or write Steve Guerin as and you
> will be free!
> All the best, 
> Nick 

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