Ah Nick, you are a treasure. I have no info: very busy with a professional watershed event and my place in it, so I watch and honk as I drive by but choose not to participate. IF I had info, you would definitely be getting it!


Tory Hughes
RAM- Terra Nova
Milagro Hacienda creativity retreat

On Oct 15, 2011, at 10:55 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:

Dear Local Friammers,

I asked others on the list to inform me about Occupy Wall Street – type activities in Santa Fe, and, since nobody did and since I learned a little more, myself, I thought I would say what I think I know.

(1) The Group at the State Capitol building house seemed to represent many (laudable) interests but to have no over- arching message yet or a well-defined local target. Lots of friendly horn beeping and waves and only one negative comment from a guy who seemed to shout at us that we were “prawns!” “Prawns?!” we said. Oh PAWNS! But then the light changed and he was gone. (2) The center of the group’s activities has been the Bank of America at the corner of Peralta and St. Francis just where St. Francis starts up the hill toward 599 and Tesuque, etc. Some have been camped (with permission) on an empty lot across the street. (3) That permission is running out and the group will meet there meet tomorrow evening to discuss next steps. All interested parties presumably invited. (4) The group’s web presence seemed not yet well organized. Perhaps it is getting organized as I speak, but since there are a lot of people on the Friam list with relevant skills, perhaps some of us might want to take notice. (5) I have some experience with Google Sites and I have offered (please, don’t laugh), (if nobody better puts up his/her hand), to put together a primitive Google Site/Group for the purpose of posting information, offering a forum, etc. But I have experience only with private Google Sites and have a sense from reading Google Help Forums that public Google Sites are terribly vulnerable to outside interference. Is this true? Do you have advice to give me in this matter. Is Facebook a far better way of achieving these goals. (6) The above information is gathered informally and may all be incorrect.

Thank you for your patience.

I stipulate that this is not the place for a political discussion and that many of you would probably disagree with me vehemently on many matters, so I will leave it at that. As soon as there is a local distribution list or equivalent, there will be no need to discuss such matters in this forum, for which, I assume, many of you will be grateful.

Back to the discussion of cellphone apps.


Nicholas S. Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
Clark University

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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