Personally I think a open diolague about a broken system at all levels
is a Good Thing. It's even better though when people start proposing
solutions. Kim Sorvig noted that the US economy is basicly run by
gambling-ie investments in Wall Street. I don't have enough game
theory or economics to show why that's a bad thing. I can show that as
far back as Wall Street has existed it's become a increesingly bad
design though.
Speeking of "the man"- with T-Mobile US future somewhat in doubt i've
been doing some diging and came across something interesting:
offers for 45USD a plan that includes unlimited data- the downside is
that in newmexico they don't offer droid phones (yet). As much as I
like the idea of going to verizon- how do they get off on charging
50USD for a REQUIRED unlimited Data package-unless you go through the
webstore and get 4g data as a addon package?
I point this out because IF my friends start up gets off the ground
she wants me on bord in some copacity-but that'd meen moving back the
bay. I can't justify paying 95 dollars for cellphone service just
because i'd need directions.
The other interesting one is:
they claim that if a phone isn't offered you can get ahold of them and
try to make arangements. Plus they have midling coverage.
Here's another interesting question: Why does CDMA from verizon have
bad ass coverage compared to T-Mobile that's spoty at best where you
need it? (like roads or hotels.)

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Nicholas Thompson
> <> wrote:
>> Dear Local Friammers,
>> <snip>
> Thank you for the report, interesting.
>> I stipulate that this is not the place for a political discussion and that
>> many of you would probably disagree with me vehemently on many matters, so I
>> will leave it at that.  As soon as there is a local distribution list or
>> equivalent, there will be no need to discuss such matters in this forum, for
>> which, I assume, many of you will be grateful.
> WTF?  Why *not* talk about things of this nature here?  We've often done so
> in the past.
>> Back to the discussion of cellphone apps.
> Ah, now your talking!  But usually not about apps as far as I recall, more
> about core tech and being fucked over by The Man.  CDMA, GSM, 2G, 3G and
> more, but appps?  Not much but to congratulate Tyler on his success.
>> Nick
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