
"360 a week (before tax). Ouch." is roughly what an average productive
worker (and his large extended family) in a LDC survives on for a YEAR.

It seems to me that a bunch of very rich nations led by the USA have gotten
together and decided to "interfere" (citing human rights etc.) in the
affairs of other nations to control (and tremendously profit from) the
supply of common resources like OIL and GAS, thereby eventually causing your
99% (most of whom live way beyond their means anyway in a credit based
bubble economy) to come onto the streets (or the internet).

Philip K Dick anticipated this 60 years ago and a good solution would be to
have collective amnesia over all the money (and carbon credits) Americans
owe the rest of the world.


On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:47 AM, Gillian Densmore <gil.densm...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Interesting discution going on here. Feeling like one of the 99% on some
> levels.
> Rich Muray's proposed list on some levels makes sense.
> Higher min wage for example how are you suposed to actually live on
> $9.00 an hour?
> even full time that's only 360 a week (before tax). Ouch.
> Another one that stuck out was free health care- could work. Depending
> on how it's implimented.
> The general idea of more stuff taken for baseline for more (or all )
> citizens and increasing the quality of life would seem to provide some
> net benifits.
> I think Nick asked how it gets funded wich might realy be asking: as
> humans are we willing to pool together a pot of money to increase the
> quality of life for all?
> Just as a here in the comunity example:
> I'm going to school to (theoreticly) increase my odds of being a
> productive citizen by X%. Should one of the applications and varius
> forms of asistance pan out I have a net X% extra chance of employment
> at the end of the week I'd rather my hard earned money going to a pot
> of money that helps raise quality of life for my self and others by
> X%. Theoreticly humans are programed to work together twards a better
> good. At some point of year N things get jaded or complicated and as
> Agents we loose sight that a healthy comunity of N people(or agents)
> makes for a stronger whole.
> Wouldn't it therefore be better to invest y sources of rescources
> twards things that achieve that goal?
> just my as a 0.2c as a agent among many.
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