On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Nicholas Thompson <
nickthomp...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> Dear Local Friammers, ****
> ** **
> <snip>

Thank you for the report, interesting.

> I stipulate that this is not the place for a political discussion and that
> many of you would probably disagree with me vehemently on many matters, so I
> will leave it at that.  As soon as there is a local distribution list or
> equivalent, there will be no need to discuss such matters in this forum, for
> which, I assume, many of you will be grateful.

WTF?  Why *not* talk about things of this nature here?  We've often done so
in the past.

> Back to the discussion of cellphone apps.

Ah, now your talking!  But usually not about apps as far as I recall, more
about core tech and being fucked over by The Man.  CDMA, GSM, 2G, 3G and
more, but appps?  Not much but to congratulate Tyler on his success.

> Nick
> **
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