Dear Nick

There's no illusion of separateness.
"You" ARE separate from "me". The Gita only asks you to give up
"I"ness to progress further.

I'll clarify this with a Western text:
"WE are the Borg. WE will assimilate YOU. (Resistance is futile)".


On 10/3/12, Nicholas  Thompson <> wrote:
> Sarbajit,
> I stand corrected.  I had always thought that the issue was the illusion of
> separateness.   So what is sauce for the goose (i.e., "me") would be sauce
> for the gander [i.e., "you").  If I am not separate from you, surely you
> are
> not separate from me.
> But I had best stay out of this one, because I haven't the energy right now
> to read the eastern texts, and asking you to explain things to me when you
> have already made clarifying texts available is unfair.
> Anyway, thanks for the correction.
> Nick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf
> Of Sarbajit Roy
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 11:12 AM
> To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] attachment
> Oh dear me,
> Perhaps the simple online version of the Gita I chose was too advanced. I
> thought it was clear from 2.71 that it refers to "ONE who ..becomes ....
> free from I or my ... "
> "You"ness on the other hand is perfectly OK.
> Lets see an online Kiddies version of the Mahabharatha (the long epic of
> which the Gita is a tiny part)
> The entire Gita is reduced to this para
> "Krishna said, "Arjuna, may it be known to you that man's duty lies in
> performing the duty while the results should be left to God. To oppress
> others is a sin but to tolerate oppression is a far bigger sin. All those,
> whom you claim to be your relatives are none but individual souls,
> unrelated
> to you, on way to their ultimate destination of uniting with the supreme
> Lord, the Brahman. Pick up your weapon and fight that is what is ordained
> to
> you. Do not think of the consequences."
> Note the delicious "you"ness which permeates the Gita
> Sarbajit
> On 10/2/12, Nicholas  Thompson <> wrote:
>> But surely, Sarbarjit, your post is contaminated with the illusion of
>> YOU-ness.  As long as you are detached from him,  you cannot propound
>> anything ...... etc., right?  You will never attain peace as long as
>> you see Russ as a YOU.
>> Right?
>> N
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On
>> Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 12:13 AM
>> To:; The Friday Morning Applied Complexity
>> Coffee Group
>> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] attachment
>> Your post is contaminated/deluded by the repeated use of  "I". As long
>> as "you" are "attached" to your "I"-ness you cannot propound anything
>> valid beyond the delusion of your "self".
>> "One who abandons all desires, and becomes free from longing and the
>> feeling of 'I' and 'my', attains peace. (2.71) O Arjuna, this is the
>> super-conscious state of mind. Attaining this state, one is no longer
>> deluded. Gaining this state, even at the end of one's life, a person
>> becomes one with the Absolute. (2.72)."
>> Sarbajit
>> On 10/2/12, Russ Abbott <> wrote:
>>> I liked my post on attachment. (Perhaps I'm attached to it.) Did it
>>> get lost? I don't see it in any of the follow-up posts.  Here it is
>>> again.
>>> Think of attachment as: I must ensure that X comes to pass. I want it
>>> so badly.
>>> Think of detachment as: I must not want so badly that X comes to pass.
>>> I must stay detached.
>>> Think of non-attachment as: I may participate in the process whereby
>>> X comes to pass -- or doesn't come to pass. If I participate I may be
>>> fully engaged. I may care very much whether X comes to pass. It it
>>> does, I may feel very happy. If it doesn't I may feel very sad. But
>>> whether or not X comes to pass I still have my laundry to do.
>>> *-- Russ Abbott*
>>> *_____________________________________________*
>>> ***  Professor, Computer Science*
>>> *  California State University, Los Angeles*
>>> *  My paper on how the Fed can fix the economy:
>>> *  Google voice: 747-*999-5105
>>>   Google+:
>>> *  vita:  *
>>>   CS Wiki <> and the courses I teach
>>> *_____________________________________________*
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