>From what I can make out, the Mormons in Utah agreed to
give up polygamy so that Utah could become a State of the

However, your Constitution apparently guarantees the First
Amendment Right to freely practice any religion. With religions
like Islam specifically permitting polygamy, how are your courts
dealing with it.


On 10/6/12, Prof David West <profw...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Small nit ---
> On Sat, Oct 6, 2012, at 12:29 AM, Sarbajit Roy wrote:
>> Apparently the LDS / Mormons use the same method.
> You are correct only in the case of "fundamentalist" offshoots - like
> Warren Jeffs and his FLDS church where plural marriage was used as a
> kind of social control and propagation of the leader's genes.  All of
> these groups have been excommunicated from the mainstream church.
> With the individual exceptions (including perhaps the founder of the
> church) the practice of polygamy in Utah - before it was outlawed - was
> centered around social welfare - a very large surplus of elderly women,
> past child bearing years, with no means of supporting themselves.
> I received a grant about fifteen years ago and did an ethnography of
> contemporary plural marriages in the Western U.S. - about a third of
> them had no association/affiliation with Mormonism.  With the exception
> of the fundamentalist breakaways - plural marriage seems to have very
> little to do with either religion or sex - it is first and foremost and
> economic institution - and a source of significant wealth.  This is
> probably not true in cultures where women are sequestered and
> restricted, i.e. cannot be engines of economic gain.
> davew
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