On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 12:20 PM, glen e. p. ropella

> Owen Densmore wrote at 02/16/2013 09:34 AM:
> <snip>
I've been quite happy with my Google Nexus, made by Samsung.  And I was
> previously satsified, approaching, though not achieving happiness with
> my Motorola Droid 2 Global.  I used Verizon stock, Liberty ROM, and
> Cyanogenmod on my D2G.  I've used Google stock, Cyanogenmod and AOKP on
> my Gnex.

Can you share the details of upgrading android without help from Google?
 .. could most customers do this?

Now to be fair, as Bruce sez: I don' need no stinking updates!  But I find
that isn't true for myself, and simply observing the android market, most
folks lust after the next major release.

And I could be wrong.  When I bought my last phone, I asked around about,
for example, Samsung and how well they handle updates.  IIRC the answer was
"what updates"?  I.e. there were none.  I could be completely wrong or
simply have asked the wrong folks.  But I do recall being told that
Cyanogenmod is your friend.

> In the process of all this, I've learned quite a bit about linux and
> Java, and some tiny bits about odd things like phone radios, wifi, GUI
> real estate, lcd and oled displays, etc.  When we were developing our
> iPhone app, I learned a tiny bit about the way apple manages/exposes its
> development APIs ... and a WHOLE LOT about the fascist control they
> wanted to establish/preserve over the iphone market. [grin]

That's been my observation: Apple == draconian, Google == Open but amateur.
 I think I'd prefer developing for android, but then we've mainly followed
"web app" and Javascript/HTML5/CSS .. and recently an attempt at
"responsive design" which manages different screens and devices, or at
least attempts to.

> So, I can certainly see why someone would want to buy either the iPhone
> or an android phone.  You can learn from either device.

Doug's learning a lot .. mainly how to swear!

Perhaps shortly when I get my next new GSM phone, I'll stop being timid and
just jump into android.  But only if I can upgrade easily.  Wish the
battery life were a tad better.  And I do have an app or two that I'm
addicted to that is not available on android .. one of which the maker said

   -- Owen
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