Aya, it turns out Bruce recently unsubscribed from FRIAM. I hope you guys
on the list are happy with your signal to noise ratio ;-)    Just
kidding...keep it up.

Anyway, Bruce, as I had hoped, had a nice response, albeit offlist. If you
want to respond to this thread, please cc: Bruce. I copy his response below.

//** Bruce Sherwood response offlist
Feynman diagrams give one visualization of "forces". In this picture,
consider two electrons moving near each other. With a calculable
probability, one of the electrons may emit a photon, the "carrier" of the
electromagnetic interaction, and this electron recoils. The other electron
absorbs the photon and recoils. At least for electric repulsion, this is a
nice way to think about the interaction, but it has obvious problems for
talking about attraction. The exchanged photon is a "virtual" photon which
unlike unbound photons has mass. At the individual "interaction vertices"
(emission event and absorption event) momentum and energy need not be
conserved, but for the two-electron system momentum and energy are

For the strong (nuclear) interaction, the interaction carrier is the gluon.
It is thought that the gravitational interaction is carried by a
"gravitron" but we have no direct evidence for this.

The weak interaction is mediated by the W and Z bosons and is so similar to
electromagnetism that one speaks of the "electroweak interaction". A key
example is neutron decay, and here is the story:


Or, if you have an up-to-date browser and a graphics card with GPUs, here
is a central animation from that article:


On the other hand, the March 2013 issue of the American Journal of Physics
has a very interesting and perhaps important article by Art Hobson on the
modern (last few decades) perspective on quantum mechanics. Maybe this is
familiar to you, but it wasn't to me. The basic idea he reviews is that
everything is fields; there are no particles. Here is what seems to me a
key paragraph in the conclusion:

Thus Schrodinger's Psi(x,t) is a spatially extended field representing the
probability amplitude for an electron (i.e., the electron-positron field)
to interact at x rather than an amplitude for finding, upon measurement, a
particle. In fact, the field Psi(x,t) is the so-called "particle." Fields
are all there is.

There is a popular science book by Rodney Brooks on the subject: At
amazon.com search for "Fields of Color: The theory that escaped Einstein".
Brooks was a student of Schwinger, a major contributor to quantum field

Here are related references, dug out by Stephen:


I've finished the Brooks book. It's not very well written and much of it is
taken up with material that is familiar to physicists (but needs to be
there for the nonphysicist reader). The main message is however very clear.
He feels that it is deeply unfortunate that the quantum field theory (QTF)
developed especially by Schwinger has been way underappreciated by the
physics community in general, and the Feynman emphasis on particles (and
particle exchange) has had unfortunate consequences. He makes a convincing
case that for several decades the big names (Weinberg, Wilczek, etc.) have
all worked within the QTF framework. He stresses that wave-particle duality
is a mistake which unnecessarily makes quantum phenomena more paradoxical
than they need be.

I checked with a powerful theorist colleague at NCSU who agrees with the
basic thrust of these arguments, though he's not comfortable with the
phrasing, "There are no particles." He says that all reputable quantum
field theory texts spend a lot of careful time defining what is meant by a
"particle" in this context.


P.S. The Kindle version of the Brooks book had badly mangled format, but a
few days ago Amazon updated my copy so that it now looks good.

**// Bruce Sherwood response offlist

BTW, the book I recommended to Bruce was by Rodney A. Brooks. I was
surprised he was writing on QFT and was excited as I assumed it would have
a lucid explanation as he tends to write well. The book actually isn't as
great as I had hoped. I had assumed it would be the same Rodney Brooks we
know from the Alife/robotics world from MIT. Turns out there's another
Rodney A. Brooks that was in Cambridge, MA with Schwinger who had a career
at NIH and then retired to New Zealand. Oh well.

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On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 3:09 PM, Stephen Guerin <stephen.gue...@redfish.com>
> Along the lines that Lee is mentioning with fields being the first
> class objects, Bruce Sherwood may be able to illuminate some of the
> current thinking in Quantum Field Theory and how interpretations are
> made with respect to forces.
> Bruce?
> -Stephen
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 1:36 PM,  <lrudo...@meganet.net> wrote:
>> Russ asks:
>>> Is there a mechanistic-type explanation for how forces work? For
>>> two electrons repel each other. How does that happen? Other than saying
>>> that there are force fields that exert forces, how does the
>>> force accomplish its effects. What is the interface/link/connection
>>> the force (field) and the objects on which it acts. Or is all we can
say is
>>> that it just happens: it's a physics primitive?
>> I have the impression that the best you can say is that fields act on
fields; fields are (the
>> only) first-class objects, and what you're calling "objects" are at best
>> are epiphenomena of fields (or, of *the* field).
>> There is (or was when I last tried to look into this, about 40 years
ago) a concept of
>> "current" (which I suppose is a generalization of our familiar "electric
current", but if so
>> is such a generalization that I was unable to see the connection at all)
which was in some way
>> involved with interactions of fields.  Maybe a Google search on current
and Jakiw would turn
>> up something useful, but probably not.
>> ============================================================
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