On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

>  150, 240, 900 !?
> ?!What!?  are you guys addicted to?   Including PINs for bank-cards (not
> used online) I can't estimate over a dozen or two myself.

Exactly!  But you do have > 100 and you know it!  How many on-line gifts?
 How many forums, even for trivial use? How many mail lists? How many bank,
credit card, paypal logins?  Amazon?  Google? Moocs? Travel related?
Airlines? NetFlix/Hulu/iTunes? Gmail? Dropbox? GitHub? Clothing? Shopping
in general? NYTimes and other news sources? LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter,
G+, ...

I could go on but dozens.  I seriously, Seriously doubt it.

> OK maybe hundreds over decades, but ... current?

Not so fast, mister!  They're still there and very hackable.

> Admittedly, I have probably cranked through a similar number of
> "throwaways" where I've signed up for something (because that is the only
> way to sample/test) and then let the login die or go fallow (and my
> hashword) with it.    But hundreds?  Really?  I'm worried about you guys!
> They have groups and 12 step programs for things like this!

Login die?  You sure?  And indeed, how many folks can "delete" an account?
 Most don't have an obvious way do do so.

> As for mnemonics or mental-hash-generators (hashwords?)... my decades of
> high security environments where writing my password down anywhere
> (including or especially electronically) or sharing it with anyone (e.g.
> speaking it aloud) was a felony or low treason or something, I just can't
> stand to see a password in clear text... it makes me cringe...   so a whole
> spreadsheet of my family jewels... I just couldn't...
> I only wish there were a 2-factor system for the masses that isn't
> spoofable (the ones that use your Mac address of your device are better
> than nothing but not unspoofable by far).
> - Steve

I am so worried about you guy who don't know just how many logins you have!

   -- Owen
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