The Logic of Effective Altruism

This seems like a nice addition to recent arguments here on friam re: usefulness, the ontology of ideas, 
import of philosophy, the existence of the One True Truth, etc.  "Effective Altruism" smacks of the 
same sense of arrogance I get from people who think they or their ideas actually matter or even mean anything 
at all.  This brinkmanship idea many seem to have that "What I'm doing is important!" ... or at the 
very least "What I do is more XYZ than what you do."  I see it time and again when I admit my 
ignorance of things I'm expected to act macho about ... things like facility with math or knowing how to 
grill hamburgers.

We went to dinner at a friend's place on the 4th.  I explained how happy my oncologist 
and my research nurse were that a few of my periaortic lymph nodes had shrunk by a 
miniscule amount between the last scan (6 months ago) and this latest one.  And I (again) 
floated my skepticism, which is based on the fact that they only measured in 2 dimensions 
... yet my thorax is a 3D object.  And, thank the gods, I've gained all the weight I lost 
during my chemo.  So, it seems completely reasonable that a 2D projection of a 3D object 
may not take into account any rotation or compression due to, e.g. an increase in 
visceral fat.  The male counterpart, who works in medicine though I won't say how to 
preserve his anonymity, proceeded to mansplain to me that CT scans are actually 3D things 
and that you can assemble the slices to construct a 3D perspective. [sigh]  I just nodded 
and drank my beer ... because we still had several hours we had to hang out with them, 
including going to a "special place"
he knew of to watch fireworks for free ... because, you know, paying for things 
just makes you one of the rubes.

⇔ glen

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