Wow!  Thank you, Marcus.  And here I thought this was a folie a un. 


I should have learned by now that there is no craziness so profound that
somebody doesn't have a website on it.







Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University


-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Marcus Daniels
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 11:57 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] My charity is more effective than your charity!


"I want to warn you all (speaking of 3d modeling) that I have been for years
(as Steve G. will testify)  trying to get somebody to do 3D visualizations
of the interaction of air masses, particularly in the region around and just
east of the Sangres, where cold dry Canadian air masses slosh down the front
range to be overlapped by warm moist air masses from the Gulf and hot dry
air masses from the desert SW.  It is here that the atmospheric layers are
often generated that are the conditions for severe weather further east.

The need is great for this visualization because many people who ought to
know better are confused about this layering.  I think I might even know of
some people at NOAA who would help.  Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer
in return but my love and the promise of the enduring gratitude of TV
weather people all over the Midwest who don't seem to understand the concept
of a conditionally unstable atmosphere.  "


NOAA folks might have access to supercomputers, and appropriate codes, but
if not there's..




Special consideration will be given to proposals addressing climate change,
such as:


    Climate and meteorology: climate modeling, severe weather warning

    Climate change adaptation: sea level modeling, improving crop or
livestock yields and resilience, watershed modeling

    Climate change mitigation: renewable energy modeling, renewable energy
materials research


Also there are experts in the area..





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