Exactly the geeky guy I had in mind :-)

Another nice thing about building the system from scratch is that you get
to decide which parts are important enough to you to spend a lot of money
on. Since I’m not a gamer, I’d just use a motherboard with built-in
graphics (maybe most of them do) and see if it was acceptable, and spend
the money on a better display. Then, at some later point, it’s easy enough
to add on a dedicated one.

Also, getting Amazon Prime seems like a good deal to get free fast shipping
on components.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Parks, Raymond <rcpa...@sandia.gov> wrote:

> This.  I just got to this thread (still active) today because I was out
> ill, but my next personal desktop will be built by me consulting with the
> Tech Report System Guide <
> http://techreport.com/review/29012/system-guide-current>.  For Gillian's
> stated purpose, I would recommend something along the line of "The Sweet
> Spot" on page 8 of the article.  It is a gaming oriented build, so the GPU
> might be overkill.
> Ray Parks
> Consilient Heuristician/IDART Old-Timer
> V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
> NIPR: rcpa...@sandia.gov
> SIPR: rcpar...@sandia.doe.sgov.gov (send NIPR reminder)
> JWICS: dopa...@doe.ic.gov (send NIPR reminder)
> On Dec 13, 2015, at 1:31 PM, Gary Schiltz wrote:
> From what you’ve said earlier, isn’t your computer like 9 years old?
> In that case, most everything is probably so out of date that it might
> be best to just give it to some geek that likes tinkering with old
> stuff. If it were me, I would build one from scratch. Surely some nice
> geeky guy or gal would help you, and you would learn a lot in the
> process. Of course, that begs the question of what OS to put on it. MS
> gives system builders good deals on OEM versions of their OS. Or, see
> how you get along for a while with purely open source, i.e. Linux,
> OpenOffice/LibreOffice. My $.02, probably worth about that much.
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Gillian Densmore
> <gil.densm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ray I think you called it  that damn thing crashed yesterday.
> Crashed (noun and adjective):
> Common accurence with windwos.  Symptoms: Unresponsive programs, a blue
> colored screen,  mouse and keybored ignored, and otherwise describing doom.
> Now it won't even boot.
> As I am now in the market for a new desktop because I've put about at least
> 300 into the DEL (see also doom, crash, and crappy computers, highblood
> preasure, and general dystopic state with a yen to crush the world)
> I'm disinclined to much more, if any into it.
> I'd prefer a computer that rocks.  For me that meens can play games, kick
> ass parts so as it's not in the damn shop costing as much or more than I
> initially payed for.
> Based on my now soured taste twards this dell  and having replaced the hard
> drive 3 times, It'd be preferable to have one with two  seperate hardrives
> so as backup is simple and easy.
> I saw a green tank one Amazon for 900. (with free prime shipping) from
> CyberPowerPC with 16gigs of ram and Nvidia of some sort that sported 2 gigs
> of ram
> In in the interest of transparency: I might prefer to replace this DEL
> because it, or windows iritiates me. I'd prefer to Keep the Hard drive it
> has (If it's still good)
> It's power converter and motivators are bad then that's likely at least 30,
> and it doesn't feel like it's aging gracefully. It might make a good little
> linux box, provided I can put in a new hard drive
> What others do if they were in my place?
> New computer? (newer parts meen less wear and tear and other issues)
> Replace the failed part (god knows where to even get one in santafe)?
> Both? (Might buy a small amount of time till new computer) :
> What kind of computer would people recomend? I've used and enjoyed Apples
> in
> the past. If there's a PC brand that rocks by all meens sugest some.
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