Heh, to be as clear as possible, there were 4 questions in the OP and several 
follow-up questions, summarized below.  I think the additional ideas on 
computation were (mostly) addressing the follow-up questions, particularly the 
_exploration_ of the idea that not all inference is computational.  But those 
additional ideas also address the OP question #2 to some extent.  We have 1 
answer to OP #1 from Dave.

On 07/02/2016 08:30 AM, Nick Thompson wrote:> Dear Friammers,
> 1.       Has anybody read this book?
> 2.       Do you understand it?
> 3.       WTF is an Accept State?
> 4.       And why is it called an “Accept State?”

On 07/05/2016 06:25 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> If one has to use an “artificial” stop rule such as “quit when you get to the 
> tenth decimal point”, is such a problem deemed “computable” or 
> “non-computable”?  Can one “compute” the square root of two? 

On 07/06/2016 11:33 AM, Nick Thompson wrote:> Thanks, Glen,
> I assume that the following is NOT a program in your sense.
> ;;Compute the sum of 2 and 2;;.
> Begin
> Ask Dad, "Dad, what is the sum of 2 and 2?
> Dad says, "Four"
> Four
> End.  
> It is, however, an algorithm, right? 

On 07/06/2016 12:05 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> I guess what I was fishing for is some sort of exploration of the idea that 
> not all procedures for arriving at answers are computations.   

On 07/07/2016 11:32 AM, Stephen Guerin wrote:
> Nick,
> Owen asks:
>> has the OP (original post) been satisfied?  
> Has the this email thread answered your original question what an Accept 
> state is? And why it is called an Accept state?
> Are we in an accept or reject state. Or like many threads is this non-halting?

> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 8:10 AM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net 
> <mailto:o...@backspaces.net>> wrote:
>>     Just to calibrate: has the OP been satisfied? 
>>     I *think* so, we discussed FSM's discussing their input string and their 
>> final state and whether that was the designated accept state.
>>     And tho a Turing Machine is more than a FSM, the vocabulary of states, 
>> input strings and so on should answer the OP.
>>     I'm not sure the additional ideas on computation were coherent enough to 
>> add to his interest, but then, knowing Nick, I could be wrong!
>>     Hope the book reading is progressing with success, given our help.

glen ep ropella ⊥ 971-280-5699

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