"The endorsement reads very sincerely, but *that* makes me even more 
uncomfortable.   It almost feels as if Hillary is a closet Republican and these 
guys are waiting for her to out herself (fully) in her inaugural speech."

I see Hillary has having a set of political operational skills and, completely 
separately, having her aspirations for the United States and the world.   More 
than other politicians, she dislikes mixing the two, and people see 
contradictions that show up in her political behavior as dishonesty.    I think 
is more likely she just doesn't take the first seriously in a philosophical 
sense -- it Is just par for the course to maneuver around polling trends and 
the positions she just must take and unwind for the sake of getting elected.   
It might even be seen as royalism by some.   "What (random idiots) do I have to 
deal with today in order to advance the greater good in _some_ way?"  Of 
course, some random idiots will be offended with that kind of thinking.

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