correction-"Euthyphrotic" and "Euthyphro" (and to think I once studied Greek!)

    Εὐθύφρων (bah!)

Glen -

You (or I) too could perhaps have 15 seconds of (in)fame if you can engage "his Orangeness" in a Eurythrophetic twitter exchange on the definition of Piety (or "what is a Wall?" or ... "what is a Hoax?"... "what is a Climate?", "what is a landslide")...

Reviewing their exchange (Socrates and Euthphyro), I can imagine why his antagonists wanted to take him down... he sure does come off as painfully argumentative sometimes... reminds me of a famous line on FriAM a few years ago, I think it went "You can be such an a**hole sometimes" But I take it as a fact that Socrates was extremely precise in his choice of words (ideas) as I believe you to be...

- Steve

On 12/8/16 5:06 PM, glen ☣ wrote:
I dunno about "pure".  But it definitely reminded me of Euthyphro.

On 12/08/2016 03:56 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
I'm not sure this is pure Socratic, but does carry it's form... it is a bit passive aggressive and/or manipulative to deserve such an idealized term, don't you think?

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