Tom -

Sugar is the "fuel" for the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) that metabolizes into mostly acetic acid (vinegar) and alcohol with small residual amounts of sugar (if you stop the brew early). The macrobiotics are presumed to keep a healthy/happy gut flora/fauna and keep the immune system stimulated.

My experience with my own brew so far is that pure (cane) sugar is preferred because it is most predictable... I think honey and fruit juices are *least* preferred because of the unpredictability (from other yeast/bacteria contamination). I haven't really experimented with my brewing methods enough to know. Many choose to add Ginger, Honey, Fruit Juice *after* the brew for enhanced flavor. I prefer mine straight up, it isn't a bad beer (sans significant alcohol) for me.

Stevia (as you probably know) is just a hyper-sweet substance that fools the taste-buds but not the metabolism of humans nor SCOBYs.

Meanwhile... I applaud your trying to help groom the legislative and public discourse properties of our fine city as I do those who are trying to groom the social/consumerist culture away from obviously harmful things like high-sugar drinks and foodstuffs.

- Steve
Have you looked into Stevia?


Tom Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism --     Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)           505.473.9646(h)
Society of Professional Journalists <>
*Check out It's The People's Data <>* <> <>

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Steven A Smith < <>> wrote:

    I think Sugar is the new Tobacco on many fronts...  it WILL fall
    (somewhat), albeit slowly.  And we will be able to get it without
    the tax on the Reservation from a drive-through window?

    Meanwhile I need to start a fresh batch of Kombucha and if the
    *only* reliable source of sugar is (as recommended) pure, refined,
    white sugar, then I'll pay the tax (or ask my RMJ seeking friends
    to pick some bootleg white cane sugar up at a dispensary on the
    Colorado border).

    Or maybe I need to understand better why I can't get good results
    from less refined sugars or (OMG!) Honey. Or move on back to
    probiotics based on things I can grow myself (saurkraut, kimchee,
    kefir, etc.)?

    I don't like (Gub'Mint) regulation on principle but it might
    actually be a reductio-ad-absurdum argument against any/all of our
    myriad "well laid plans" brought to us by industry and commerce?

    A favorite duality:  "A conspiracy theory, or just a good business


     - Steve

    On 4/26/17 12:31 PM, Tom Johnson wrote:
    I'm wondering this morning, if the nation seems to have accepted
    the fact that the federal government can regulate vehicle
    mileage, //require seat belt installation, testing of drugs for
    public consumption, etc., how come it can't regulate sugar (and
    sodium?) in food and drink? Could it be the sugar lobby is
    stronger than car manufactures and Big Pharma?


    Tom Johnson
    Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
    505.577.6482 <tel:%28505%29%20577-6482>(c) 505.473.9646
    Society of Professional Journalists <>
    *Check out It's The People's Data
    <>* <> <>

    On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 12:02 PM, George Duncan
    < <>> wrote:

        Much as I agree with Tom's analysis and wish for a better
        process for public policy decision making (hey that was my
        career at Carnegie Mellon!), the issue here for our own
        voting is whether we better off if this initiative passes. I
        vote yes. Indeed I have already voted yes.

        Also I cannot believe that a win for no will convince people
        towards quality decision making...but rather that major
        corporate money must win in the public arena.

        On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:42 AM glen ☣ <
        <>> wrote:

            We have a lot of data on whether sin taxes do or don't
            work.  And that data is colored/interpreted by everyone
            who sees it, like all data.

            And that brings me to my problem with Tom's argument.  We
            can focus on this part:

              "Voting on the measure is also a vote for or against
            good social science research, good public policy and
            administration, and full transparency of the people’s data."

            We've been over and over in several threads (that I'm
            sure seemed hijacked by the more linear amongst us) about
            _induction_ and the validity or soundness of the
            predicates it leads to.  Way back when I worked at a
            healthcare informatics company, "evidence-based" was all
            the rage. Then a (small) group of debunkers finally
            realized and advocated a move from the concept of
            "evidence-based" to "science-based"
            Add to that that many of my colleagues in the social
            sciences tout evidence-based or science-based policy.

            I have some very deep reservations against such, with the
            same _flavor_ as my objection to the idea that government
            should/can be run like a business.  (Part of the rhetoric
            in favor of Trump.)  Government is not, inherently, a
            scientific enterprise.  It's an _engineering_
            enterprise.  And engineers don't really care about
            reality as it is. They care about reality as they intend
            it to be.  Sure, good engineers take the intitial
            conditions into account.  But whether the initial
            conditions have us on earth or mars doesn't matter that
            much.  What matters is that we want to _go_ to Proxima

            So, while I agree with the letter of the sentence above,
            I may disagree with the implication.

            FWIW, were I still in Santa Fe, I'd vote "yes".

            On 04/26/2017 09:57 AM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
            > I agree anecdotally residents of NM need help with
            education and health.
            > I am skeptical a tax on basically fake food,s and
            treats is a helpful way
            > to do that though.
            > Postive programs and tools might help more than yet
            another tax possibly
            > can.

            ☣ glen

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          "Attempt what is not certain. Certainty may or may not come
          later. It may then be a valuable delusion."

        From "Notes to myself on beginning a painting" by Richard

        "It's that knife-edge of uncertainty where we come alive to
        our truest power." Joanna Macy.

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