Agreed. The dominance of Ashburn and Secaucus Equinix shows how private 
economic decisions driven by the need to reduce interconnection costs undermine 
network diversity.

Roderick Beck

Global Network Capacity Procurement

United Cable Company<>
New York City & Budapest

Budapest: 36-70-605-5144

NJ: 908-452-8183


From: Raphael Mazelier <>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 4:02 PM
To: Rod Beck <>; 
Subject: Re: [FRnOG] [ALERT] Nombreuses coupures de fibres optiques en France

On 28/04/2022 15:55, Rod Beck wrote:
In any country where one city dominates like Paris in France or London in the 
UK, it is likely that networks will be vulnerable because economics will push a 
lot of infrastructure into that dominant city. That central city become a major 
traffic hub.

My opinion too. The only country that have a very different situation is 
actually USA, but more because of the inner nature of the country, and because 
of its width, that they have multiple big hubs. That said put north virgiania 
down and we will laugh... (well no).

Raphael Mazelier

From: Raphael Mazelier <>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 4:02 PM
To: Rod Beck <>; 
Subject: Re: [FRnOG] [ALERT] Nombreuses coupures de fibres optiques en France

On 28/04/2022 15:55, Rod Beck wrote:
In any country where one city dominates like Paris in France or London in the 
UK, it is likely that networks will be vulnerable because economics will push a 
lot of infrastructure into that dominant city. That central city become a major 
traffic hub.

My opinion too. The only country that have a very different situation is 
actually USA, but more because of the inner nature of the country, and because 
of its width, that they have multiple big hubs. That said put north virgiania 
down and we will laugh... (well no).

Raphael Mazelier

Liste de diffusion du FRnOG

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