Keith, you said:
The proposal has only just been released this morning. It will, of course,
die a death almost immediately because it's more than a step towards the
sort of totalitarianism of Communist USSR or Nazi Germany but,
nevertheless, it's yet another indication of the depth of despair that
politicians in the present Labour government have about the fast-crumbling
state education system in England.
Why is fining people for being irresponsible parents being like Communist and Nazi governments?    You make the case for Nazi's and Communists being more responsible for education and demanding that people be good parents than the contemporary UK?   Come on Keith, you don't really mean that do you?     Today for the first time our Black Supreme Court Justice who has taken similar intellectual but anti-historical stands on racism finally let his gut speak and gave us the value of his unique experience.  Parents who are bad citizens and poor parents give governments only the option of taking their children away and putting them in foster homes which is the US Solution and is horrible and doesn't work.    It is only mildly better than the parents themselves and serves only as a punishment which in many cases isn't punishment at all since the parents don't want or care about the kids.  
Since it costs the society for jail, foster homes, remedial schools, poor ignorant labor etc. I would suggest that fining them for not following the law and providing the kind of home that supports the schools is a very minor thing and the least oppressive of the options available.       
Ray Evans Harrell
----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 3:14 AM
Subject: Crumble and despair in our education policy

> Charles Clarke, the present Minister for Education, is seriously proposing
> that head-teachers should have the power to fine parents whose children are
> skipping school.
> The proposal has only just been released this morning. It will, of course,
> die a death almost immediately because it's more than a step towards the
> sort of totalitarianism of Communist USSR or Nazi Germany but,
> nevertheless, it's yet another indication of the depth of despair that
> politicians in the present Labour government have about the fast-crumbling
> state education system in England.
> Keith Hudson
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------
> Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music,
> 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
> Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727;
> ________________________________________________________________________

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