Good commentary below with some contrarian statements.  What do you think?
Also check out this PBS REPORT on reform in Philadelphia schools, where the
problem of slighting professional development works against reforms, or in
colloquial terms, doing half the job, or "bassakwards".
html)  -KWC
Attack of 'The Blob: Why are teachers unions and school boards trying to
kill charter schools?

Nov. 27 - There's no silver bullet.  That's what everyone in education says,
and it's true.  But certain types of schools are what might be called silver
arrows in the quiver of reform.  The charter school movement, which began
ten years ago this fall with just one school in St. Paul, Minnesota, is
quietly changing public education, especially in inner cities.  With 2,400
such schools in 40 states, charters represent a workable and often inspiring
form of public school choice. So of course mindless boards of education and
reactionary teachers unions are trying to smear them.

This month, for instance, the Illinois Board of Education released results
showing that the state's 23 charter schools had performed no better than the
state average on tests.  But many of those charter schools are for troubled
kids who fail in regular public school settings, so the comparisons are
meaningless.  That didn't stop the teachers unions in that state from
telling the press that this was some kind of black eye for charter schools.

Charters don't always hit their target.  More than 150 of them have been
shut down, the victims of poor fiscal management or even criminality.  Maybe
you heard about the Los Angeles principal who took $90,000 in taxpayer money
meant for kids and used it to buy a sports car.

Forget the horror stories.  Despite this year's Supreme Court decision
legalizing them, vouchers are too toxic politically to have a real impact
beyond talk TV.  Charter schools, by contrast, go down much easier.  They
offer choice and healthy competition in a public setting.
A Matter Of Choice
The whole idea of "charter schools" is still confusing for most people (sort
of like "fast-track authority" or "tort reform"), in part because the rules
governing these independent public schools vary so much state by state.
Basically, we're talking about a genuine grassroots movement for small,
non-religious, taxpayer-funded alternative schools.  They're sponsored by
idealistic educators, parents, non-profits, or businesses that win the
freedom to try something different and avoid silly union work rules-all in
exchange for accountability.

Instead of creaming the best students from the top, admission in most states
is by lottery.  More than half are in poor areas, where waiting lists are
especially long.

The critics make sure you hear about the failures, but the successes receive
less attention.  Boston boasts the "Academy of the Pacific Rim" that gets
some of the highest test scores in town using Asian instruction techniques
with black kids; Mesa, Arizona, opened an Arts Academy in a Boys and Girls
Club that has local gangs on the run and academic results surging.  Whenever
I visit Newark, New Jersey's North Star Academy I'm amazed by how much
learning is going on.  The level of enthusiasm and commitment by teachers
and students is phenomenal.
Beware The Blob
Charters represent a good compromise between status-quo mediocrity and
vouchers.  But fearful of losing control, "The Blob"-the education
establishment-is trying to strangle the movement.  Some states are refusing
to expand the number of charters they grant in certain areas.  (Chicago, for
instance, is allowed only ten).

School boards have conned pliant legislatures in 18 states into stipulating
that they (the boards) alone can sponsor charters, thereby defeating the
purpose.  "It's like letting McDonald's decide where Burger King can open,"
says Joe Nathan, director of the Center for School Change at the University
of Minnesota.

Now the American Federation of Teachers, whose late president, Albert
Shanker, once championed charter schools, has launched a vicious frontal
assault against them.  I'm not sure why anyone would believe a report on
charters by a teachers union, but this one deserves some kind of chutzpah
award.  The report complains that not enough charter schools have been
closed for poor academic performance.  (More than 150 have been shut, mostly
for financial mismanagement).  Funny, the AFT doesn't say that about the
thousands of lousy conventional schools where their members teach.  And as
the Center for Education Reform notes, the report neglects to mention that
charters usually have to raise their own money for their buildings (covered
by the public in conventional schools), which contributes to their financial
Paying Lip Service
Instead of judging by results, some states (under pressure from "The Blob")
have started heavily regulating charter schools, trying to make them more
like the ordinary schools they are meant to challenge.   Republicans
nationally are generally more open to the movement than Democrats, who
remain in bed with teachers unions.  But at the state level, GOP lawmakers
are also thoroughly compromised by the vested interests of the "educrats."

The Blob's new game, at work now in Illinois, is to pay lip service to
charter schools by allowing them for special ed or disruptive students.
Then the school boards get to boast that the test scores of their own
conventional schools have gone up (because they don't have to average in the
weakest kids who've been put in charters), but the charter school scores
have not.  When some of these charter schools close, the establishment can
say, "See! They don't work!"  Of course the fact that six percent of charter
schools have been shut down, cited by critics as a sign of failure, is
actually an indication that the idea is working.  Unlike most conventional
schools, charters actually have to perform to survive.
Taking The Next Step
The critics aren't completely crazy.  Like all social movements, this one
has had growing pains.  Arizona added charters too quickly and got several
shoddy ones; Texas and California didn't screen the founders well enough and
have ended up with some crooks.  Most states need better auditing of the
financial performance of charters, a process that could weed out the poorly
conceived ones more quickly.  The next phase is to figure out why some
charters work and others don't, and improve the batting average.  (The Gates
Foundation and other non-profits are investing in that process).  Then
charter schools can make the leap from intriguing reform to major American
social movement.

A decade ago, just 90 students at St. Paul's "City Academy" comprised the
first charter school in history.  Now, there are 650,000 students in
charters.  But that's out of 46 million school-age children in America.
Fortunately, the groundswell will likely continue in the next decade.
Charter schools are modern-day barn raisings.  They tap something deeply
democratic in the culture: local citizens, fighting the power structure,
taking matters (legally) into their own hands, committed to market choice
but in a public sphere, still dreaming the ancient dream of a better life
for their children.

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