Harry wrote:
Maybe you were looking, but not seeing. More than $92 billion dollars
been spent on the AIDS Program and they haven't cured anyone. Dare we
think, just for a moment, that they may not have a solution to AIDS?
dare we even consider that the way they are going, they may never find a

Hi Harry,
How much does your country spend on the military each DAY? And what has
all that tax payers' money accomplished? Did you know that the inner
cities of your major cities, including L.A. have have rapidly increasing
numbers of adults who are HIV positive? Washington DC has one in ten
adults testing positive for HIV. Be careful what you do at your next
conference Harry!
And why pick on AIDS research? How much money has been spent on
M.D.(Jerry Lewis has spent 40 Labour Day weekends on this one), M.S.,
C.F. Cancer, Heart and Stroke,... research?

Take care,
p.s. yesterday , on my way to contaminate the minds of 200 soon to be
teachers, I dropped off 25 baby quilts that my wife, Mary Ann,  makes
and donates to the neo-natal unit of a local hospital. They are given to
parents whose babies have died. My wife has been doing this for about 15
years now and she has made about 500 so far. Can you imagine doing
anything so useless? or more important?

p.p.s. I was talking to Stephen Lewis about you and he said you would
likely change your mind if you saw what he saw. He said most doubting
Thomases do after walking through the pediatric wards. Many weep, throw
up, and are never the same again. Happy are those who do not see but
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