Brad and Brian

Oakland - with some other no-good, gormless, inept team to lose.



Brad wrote:

mcandreb wrote:


Who are you picking for Super Bowl Sunday,

I am picking the professional football teams' owners and
players and sponsors.

But I would like once again to call attention to the
transcendental pragmatic condition for the possibility
of any game having a winner: there must be a loser.

If we want to be winners, we should give thanks for all those who
enable us to get what we desire.  Indeed, we should pay them
handsomely for their service to us, for no person
can make himself be a winner alone.  (Of course, if we wanted
real goods and services, then there would not need to be
any losers, albeit there would also not be any
winners either.  There are alternate ontologies....)

\brad mccormick

Harry Pollard
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