
I doubt that any scientific paper describing (never mind proving) the
connection between the causes and the symptoms of a disease -- *any*
disease -- has ever been written before a cure is found. Such a paper can
never be written until the full etiology of a disease can be described in

At this stage, the nearest one can get to "proving" the link between the
HIV virus and Aids is the overwhelming circumstantial evidence of tens of
thousands of  medical case notes of those who suffered from HIV and their
inevitable (premature) death whatever palliatives were taken.

Ray is quite right. You (not the researchers) will have to define HIV and
Aids very carefully indeed before you can reasonably expect them to supply
a link before they have found a cure. 

Unlike the circumstantial evidence of global warming due to CO2 where there
are many expert climatologists, including some of the world's most eminent,
who remain to be convinced, this is a case of one or two maverick
scientists only against the opinion of thousands of others.


Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music, http://www.handlo.com
6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
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