Arthur Cordell wrote:
> The fact that [BI] might be "something for nothing" might be the barrier to
> acceptance and implementation, not its cost.

Capitalism as such gives "something for nothing" in the billions, e.g. in
rents to heirs of land or houses. (*)  E.g. in Germany, most people work
about 1-2 of 5 days per week only for this!  Nonetheless, few people are
even aware of this fundamental injustice and its vast effects on society.
It's a taboo issue.

Between 1949 and 1965, land prices in Germany rose by  DEM 100 Bn.,
the state subsidized house/apartment construction with DEM 100 Bn.,
and total state debt in 1965 was  ...**drum roll**...  DEM 100 Bn.!
The German journal of land surveyors then asked:  "Could it be that
the whole state debt is basically a donation to the land owners ?"
By selling a re-zoned (i.e. previously worthless) piece of land to
the state (for building a university), a single heir reaped DEM
400 million of tax money by night.  He bought a castle with 500 rooms
and his wife was caught riding a Harley-Davidson through the extended
corridors.  Sally would give her a BI to pay the gasoline, I guess.


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