Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
> You may wish to ask the new Justice Minister, Irwin Cotler, what his
> position is on Canada adhering to the Universal Declaration of Human
> Rights Article 25 which says that necessities of life are a "right".
> Cotler is a former law professor with a human rights specialization.

The Swiss constitution (article 12) contains the right to a humane existence
and assistance to those who can't look after themselves.  However, there's
no general BI, and no need for it.  Maybe this has to do with article 6
(which demands personal responsibility) and article 19 (which guarantees
sufficient education for free, even to women who marry mean patriarchs).


Ed Weick wrote:
> If I read you right Ray, you are still associating BI with work, whether
> for profit or not for profit.  I can't go there with you.  It sounds a
> little too much like workfare, essentially grabbing people by the scruff
> of the neck and making them do the shit work nobody else wants to do

Who will "do the shit work nobody else wants to do" in a BI system ?
Nobody, I guess.  But it has to be done.  (Not necessarily by workfare
crews!)  Worse, a lot of "shit work" has to be done that isn't "profitable"
and thus is not done -- unless paid by the state, but the state can't
afford that if it has to pay a BI to everyone.

Maybe if we'd get over the obsession with "productivity growth" and
the consumerism mania, and if we'd address _causes_ instead of
tinkering with symptoms, then there would be less "shit work" to do
in the first place?

> My reading of Paul Martin as Prime Minister is that he will do
> everything he can to bring the debt down.

By introducing a BI ?


REH asked:
> So Keith what are you going to do with the 40% unemployment once the
> economy is lean and agile?  Kill them?

Dunno about Keith, but I for one would re-define work and employ them all,
_instead of_  wasting 80% - 1,200% of tax revenues for a BI that pays the
gasoline to people who ride a Harley thru their 500-room castle.


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