2009/3/14 Mikhael Goikhman <m...@homemail.com>:


> One of the examples of a pragmatical asciidoc that may be considered is
> POD (Plain_Old_Documentation article in Wikipadia).  Well, all perl
> documentation in fvwm is already in POD, and the corresponding html is
> generated from it.

That's one possibility but very inflexible.  No, we're talking about
the manpage here -- and I wouldn't want to see POD used as a basis for
it.  I use POD on a daily basis; it's fine for perl and perl-related
things, but as a generic markup for plain text for other documentation
purposes, forget it.

> Another example of asciidoc I use in my non-fvwm related projects is
> wikitext (Text::WikiText on CPAN to be more specific, maintained by me).
>> I'm just wary of (excuse my language here) pissing over the people who
>> put so much effort into the current docbook stuff.
> Exactly the same feelings.

My webshite (sic) uses txt2tags [1] which has some advantages over
asciidoc in that the markup is a little simpler, and unlike asciidoc,
doesn't impose certain restrictions for templates (which expose
limitations in docbook itself).

I'm going to bite the bullet and after having finalised
fvwm-convert-2.6 (which is all but done for review -- hopefully by the
end of this weekend) I will turn my attentions to looking at what we
might do about the documentation process [2].

-- Thomas Adam

[1] http://txt2tags.sourceforge.net/
[2] I am not suggesting we do anything about it for 2.6.0, but I am
sure I can handle stabilising 2.5.X and future work for now, albeit
lightly.  ;)

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