On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 07:00:05PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> On 15 Mar 2009 00:34:16 +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > > To be interactive the module should both listen to fvwm and to the input
> > > (mouse, keyboard) in the same event loop. Don't you agree?
> > 
> > Yes.  And why does this rule out text based interfaces?
> Please show how this is possible without adding any real toolkit. (And
> ncurses toolkit is another dependency, just like gtk. Programming in it
> is not much different from programming in gtk, it is just much more
> limited and more annoying.) And as I said there is a half ready support
> of pseudo toolkit in perllib that uses xterm, but there are serious
> technical obstacles to interact with xterm tty (even without ncurses,
> just simple readline). I tried it when started to develop perllib to get
> user-interactive things done without gtk, it does not work well.

It's just a bit of menu handling.  These things certainly existed
before guis where ever invented.

> > > perllib supports this for at least Gtk and Tk toolkits.  It also
> > > supports a pseudo-toolkit mode using pure xterm, xmessage and similar
> > > "standard" X things.  Also the idea was to be able to write a module
> > > that uses Gtk if presents and fallbacks to the pseudo-toolkit mode
> > > otherwise.  But I didn't find the real application for this.  Usually
> > > you need real full-featured widgets for a real-life interactive module.
> > > 
> > > FvwmGtkDebug is really not simple to reimplement without gtk.
> > 
> > I don't know, I couldn't make it run anyway.  Too many dependencies  ;-)
> > It looks like it's impossible to install fvwm anywhere but in
> > /usr/local.  Well, fvwm seems to ignore the
> > "--prefix=/home/something/foo" option I gave it when it looks for
> > modules.
> [Almost wanting to cry...]
> Of course ./configure --prefix works, followed by make and "make
> install". My fvwm is always in /opt/fvwm/. Actually I have several
> installations. Including /usr/bin/fvwm from rpm, that is not used.
> When you installed another instance of fvwm, you may do "Restart
> /opt/fvwm/bin/fvwm" and this new instance will find correct modules (it
> only does not find them on non-standard installations). In any case you
> may always give full path to a module, even word "Module" is opional.
> Also you may run fvwm-config that sits in the same bin/ directory where
> you installed fvwm:  fvwm-config --fvwm-moduledir

Well, of course I know all this.  I do

  $ configure --prefix="$HOME/foo"
  $ make clean
  $ make install
  # restart fvwm from "$HOME/foo" (no module path in config)

--> No such module 'FvwmButtons' in ModulePath '/usr/local/libexec/fvwm/2.5.28'

> > > > * FvwmGtk
> > > > 
> > > >   Dumped in fvwm without a discussion about the taken approach and
> > > >   was never commented by any developers.  A typical case of
> > > >   accepting third party work in fvwm without a maintainer.
> > > 
> > > Matthias Clasen was an active developer on this list when I came. I
> > > would not call it a third party work.
> > > 
> > > But why do you disagree with the idea to discuss and implement all
> > > grandiose ideas and cleanup after 2.6? A module is here for more than
> > > 10 years and I don't remember that a goal for 2.6 was removing modules.
> > 
> > I don't disagree with anything, it just annoys me when people are
> > bashed because they try to keep fvwm maintainable.  It's
> > ridiculous to imply that I'd not care about backwards
> > compatibility.
> If I misread your messages, sorry. But I think you fully supported
> another opinion that spoke about removing things and breaking backwards
> compatibility.

Im just *very* annoyed that gtk is needed to use fvwm with all

> > Sorry, maybe I am wrong about this, but I really feel that you are
> > simply saying the opposite of what I say since 2001.
> I don't even want to ask why 2001. This is just not true. I like most
> of the people on this list sympaty you and agree on many things, just
> not all (and even when there is a tactical disagrement it is still far
> from the opposite).

I'd rather discuss this in private.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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