On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 12:15:03AM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 10:34:38PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
>   * FvwmProxy: unfinished and unmaintained

Please send me the location of any feature requests or bug reports.

Here's my list.

1. don't reorder others in group on raise
2. vertical centering of groups of proxies
3. SoftRaiseOff SoftDeskOff SoftDragOff Hard* likewise
4. option to only show proxy of active window

No bugs I know, but 1 and 2 address suboptimal behavior.

3 is an idea for more detailed custom behavior.

4 is a request I saw on the list a while back.
It's not something I would use, but it would probably
be an easy add next time I visited the code.

I haven't had a compelling need to fiddle with something
that works, mostly.  Honestly, who has read through the
whole current man page, set this module up correctly,
used it for a while, and NOT seen huge benefits?  Of course
this tool was tailored to my vision, but I see things like
Expose and other alt-tab alternatives and am amazed that
people live with such limited capabilites.  It's like it
gives me xray vision.  Add on the window grouping, sticky edges,
virtual tab bar, and this is half of why I even use fvwm.
People at work say, 'wow, how do I get that' and I have to
tell them it doesn't work with their KDE or gnome.
All the existing fvwm users I've met are now using it.
I had one fvwm convert for a while, for this purpose, but
I guess fvwm is a programmer's WM.

By default, it doesn't really do anything.  I don't control
the master rc files.  You have to set it up.  I've tried
to put good examples in the man page.

-- Jason Weber

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