On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Dan Espen wrote:

> Dominik Vogt <fvwm-workers@fvwm.org> writes:
> > Currently, fvwm uses the icon boxes in the order of creation.  So,
> > if one icon box is created on screen 0 and one is created on
> > screen 1, all icons are placed on screen 0 until the icon box is
> > full, then all icons are put on screen 1.  My question was if it
> > is necessary to skip icon boxes that are not on the same screen as
> > the window.
> I don't think we'd want to apply the same screen test unless the
> user indicated that the iconbox was for a specific screen.
> Right now, theres no way to do that.

        Would it be possible to remember the screen# together with
translated geometry?

> I don't think that just because the iconbox lies completely within
> a screen is sufficient reason to only use it for one screen.
> Since I don't have a setup,  I can only guess, but my guess is
> that we don't need a iconbox for each screen feature.

        Well, maybe not "iconbox for each screen", but "iconify on the
same screen".  It seems most natural that windows iconify on the same
screen where they are.  

        A possible way to achieve this behaviour is to define a "floating"
iconbox: i.e. "IconBox -80x200-1-1" will create an iconbox which will be
treated as "@w" ("w" is "window's current screen").  Not sure about
implementation details, though -- I'm speaking of this mainly as a user of
several multiheaded machines.

        BTW, there's a little problem with specifying iconboxes separately
for each screen: this is okay for a static configuration, but what about
an XDM server which works for several different-headed machines? So
there's a need in a single command to bind iconboxes to all screens.

        I have yet to test the latest CVS, so sorry if everything is
already done.

          Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov
          The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

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