Dominik Vogt <> writes:
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 09:45:11AM -0400, Dan Espen wrote:
> > Dominik Vogt <> writes:
> > > On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 06:45:32PM -0400, Dan Espen wrote:
> > > > Is there a way to test screen size changes without Xinerama working?
> > > 
> > > With Xinerama emulation.  Run configure with
> > > 
> > >   $ ./configure --enable-xinerama-emulation
> > > 
> > > The screen is then split into two fake Xinerama screens and a
> > > blank area that doesn't belong to any screen.  To switch
> > > Xinerama on and off just use
> > > 
> > >   Xinerama off
> > > 
> > > or
> > > 
> > >   Xinerama on
> > > 
> > > or
> > > 
> > >   Xinerama <primary_screen_number>
> > 
> > Hmm, none of these actually change where the icon box is.
> > I tried on, off, 0-3.
> Ah, I see.  You moved the calculations from style.c to icons.c,
> but they still use the global screen dimensions.  Instead, the
> specified screen has to be stored too.  Then, one of the
> XineramaSupportGet...ScrRect() functions can be called in
> AutoPlaceIcon() to get the actual size and offset of the screen.
> Also, the call to XineramaSupportParseGeometry in style.c has to
> be changed to XineramaSupportParseGeometryWithScreen() so that the
> screen spec can be stored in the icon box (its a signed integer).
> When this is completed, the following should work:
>   Xinerama 1
>   Style * iconbox 100x100-0-0
>   Next iconify
>   # iconifies on screen 1
>   Xinerama 0
>   Next iconify 
>   # iconifies on screen 0
>   Xinerama off
>   Next iconify 
>   # iconifies on global screen

Yes, I saw how  XineramaSupportParseGeometryWithScreen
is needed to get the screen number, but I still don't see
how the screen number is going to be used.  Is it needed
by the Iconify command?

Dan Espen
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