On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 12:34:36PM +0300, Alexander Kotelnikov wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 09:37:34 +0100
> >>>>> "Olivier" == Olivier Chapuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Olivier> 
> Olivier> I am not able to configure my machine to do so. Do you have some
> Olivier> tips? I can for KOI8-R or JIS.2022 but not for utf8.
> localedef -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
> you need relatively modern libc to create UTF-8 locales

Ah ok, my glibc seems to old, maybe I can try libutf8.
> >> One thing I cannot undestand why you still keep !I18N_MB.
> Olivier> 
> Olivier> Hum, Dominik answer such a question recently. I try to find
> Olivier> the message I fail. Dominik?
> actually I understand. it is much more speedy to deal with XFont than
> with XFontSet, but everything seems to rush towards unicode.
> >> Hope you
> >> know that it is usable only for 7bit and western-european people.
> >> 
> Olivier> 
> Olivier> I do not think so. You can use KOI8-R encoding with !I18N_MB but you
> Olivier> should effectively specify KOI8-R fonts.
> It wont work. Really. And cannot. If we have a non 7bit char* in X the
> one way to draw it without information lost is XmbDrawString.

Attached to this message a FvwmScrip tscreenshot releaseed with
2.4.4 without multibyte (Menu seems to work too). Anyway I am sure
that it is ok as I do not understand russian at all.


Attachment: shot2.png
Description: PNG image

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