Waigani wrote:

> Problem is: a college just showed me mysource Matrix, which is the
> competition. Have I just wasted the past three months? It already does
> everything I'm developing, and if it does not, it can be extended /
> developed. It already has huge buy in from governments and education
> departments. 

There are thousands of CMS systems out there. Look at
http://www.opensourcecms.com/ for an initial list. Mysource Matrix is
just one in a crowded marketplace

Most people end up writing their own CMS because they want it work "the
way they think". Other reasons are that they think that the current ones
aren't flexible in the manner they need them to be or impose constraints
where they don't want them. Other considerations are the quality of the
source code and the likelihood of future development (in the right

Zend Framework is an excellent base to write a CMS from though if you
want to build your own.



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