The framework is designed primarily for web development, as is PHP; I don't
think it's unreasonable for the layout configuration to appear in the
application.ini for a project generated by the zf command, at least
commented out.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Carlton Gibson <>wrote:

> On 16 Sep 2009, at 16:00, aoohralex wrote:
> So you think this is a mistake that these things are in Symfony Framework,
> ASP.NET Framework and many others frameworks ? :)
> No. What they do is up to them. My comments are directly entirely at Zend
> Framework and should not be taken to imply anything about any other
> framework.
> What I don't want is for Zend Framework to start dictating which components
> I use and how and when. Again, one of the chief selling points of Zend
> Framework is that isn't "opinionated" in this sense.
> I accept that Zend Framework may be slower off the mark for some tasks than
> other frameworks because it is not opinionated. (Although how much slower
> having done it once I really question.) The trade off is massive
> flexibility. I can use the same components all over the place (and do).
> All I can suggest is that you use it for a good period and then make your
> own mind up.
> Regards,
> Carlton

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