On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 10:15:46AM -0500, Bill -OSX- Jones wrote:
> Or maybe Perl 'Concentration' where duplicates in solutions would 
> be picked between those that - while they may appear different - 
> are really the same things, just coded differently?
> Or - maybe even write Perl versions of Card Games:  Kings in the 
> Corner, Black Jack, 5 Card Stud, Go Fish, etc...

        Why, oh why, do I have the feeling a Perl drinking game is
not far ahead?

        * use $& when you could have used $+? One sip.
        * use length instead of y///c? One sip.
        * forget to take advantage of default arguments? (eg, shift @_
          instead of shift) One draught.
        * use a for(;;){} construct? Drain your glass.



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