>Hint for upcoming trouble:  Beware the power manager board.  Apparently 
>this is a common failure, and will give you unstable battery charging, 
>etc.  I had mine replaced some time ago, and it is a bit pricey ($200 - 
>$300).  There's no substitute for replacing it, though, if you want to run 
>under battery.
>You might also check into the particulars of your model regarding internal 
>backup battery.  I thought mine was dead, too, but then I found out that 
>there is no internal backup battery in mine.  It just needs some life in 
>the main battery in order to keep its settings.  If the battery is totally 
>discharged, like if it sits for a few months, you'll lose the time and 
>date, etc.

Interesting.  I'd read that the PM board is failure-prone due to its close
proximity to the audio board.  It seems as though virtually every laptop I've
ever encountered has architectural flaws with moderate to serious consequences.

As for all the talk about how long Mac OS X will support G3s, remember that it's
technically possible to run OS X on pre-G3 PowerPCs--just not very quickly.
I think that it will be possible to run any future version 32-bit of OS X on a G3.

In fact, my guess is that OS X--as a work in progress for 64-bit platforms--was
crammed into a 32-bit version for a timely market entry, and as a transition vehicle
to whatever Apple's forthcoming 64-bit OS will be.  It's obvious to me why (besides 
the formidable technical hurdles) Apple isn't planning to port OS X to x86:
x86 is a lame duck.  The real question is whether Apple will release a 64-bit OS for
AMD's x86-64 architecture (I think they will).  Once 32-bit platforms are phased out
of the end-user market, it will be a moot question whether G3s will be supported,
because it's likely that at that point NO 32-bit platforms will be supported by new
commercial operating systems.

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