YEAH!! I agree.
I love rail racer so much because it is something different. I used to play
video games, and if there is one thing I miss, it is the variety. I haven't
tried Monty yet, so I can't say anything for sure. I think though, it will
be good because it is something different and challenging(or, so I hear

Developers don't be afraid to try something new. Don't be afraid to try
something way out there, because you never know what will happen. At one
point, I could have never imagined using a mouse to race; I was so used to
the keyboard. I have played Rail Racer and think it is so natural to use the
mouse to race now. I loved the mouse shooting demo a developer put out a
wile ago; I do not have surround sound, but I could still play it and it was

I am not saying that the games we have now is bad, (because I play some of
them all the time), but I think it is really cool that developers are doing
more then just "space invaders" games now. For example, GMA's tank commander
is something I expected to find on an XBox. It is a really great game; I am
not saying that we should have 10 games exactly like Tank Commander; I am
saying that it is the only game of its type, and that is what makes it so
addicting (that, and it is just so much fun to play). Have a few tank
shooting games; just don't have 15 of them (Tank Commander; Commander of a
Tank; etc... etc....)

So, developers, don't think to your self's, "I don't know about this game
idea, it might be a little to complex to play." think "hay, this has not
been done before; I can program it (because I am a genius), and it will be
the first of its kind." 

I know that games do not just appear, because I am trying to learn C++
(ugg.) to add to the growing list of accessible games out there. I am just
saying, as gamers, we should not want 15 versions of one game, but a variety
of games to play.

OK, I am done now. I don't want to sound rude, mad, upset, angry or anything
else negative. I just thought that I would just throw in my 2 sense. I am
off to go download Monty now; I hope that some people will reply to this. 

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Che
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:34 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] thoughts on monty

  Well, I haven't played the game myself, as platform games aren't my cup of

tea, but just because a game designer is doing something in a new way 
doesn't mean it isn't a better way.
  It seems fairly logical to me to use the arrow keys in combination with 
the spacebar, so you can easily go from moving right to jumping right and 
keep on trucking, eh?
  Personally, I think as gamers, we should be encouraging new ideas like 
this in game design.
 In my opinion , overall the accessible game offerings are as stale as the 
bread from the last supper, and I say it is high time we as game buyers 
demanded more, both in the control systems of our games and the overall 
concepts of those games.
  Che, pronounced Shay for you jaws users, grin.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Liam Erven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] thoughts on monty

> There is also nothing wrong with pressing space and up to jump up. Seems
> logical to me.
> In all the consoll games I played jump sent you up in to the air, and then
> you could use arrows to move.  I can't think of any games that does what
> monty does.  though, I could be forgetting one.  Does anyone remember any?

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