
I think you misunderstand my idea.  Let me clarify.

There is a game called Diplomacy, originally put out by the 
Avalon Hill company that was a strategic-level WWI game.  Players 
take the part of one of the seven major powers in Europe circa 
1901.  Turns consist of three phases, diplomacy, during which 
players negotiate alliances, peace treaties, etc, orders writing, 
during which each player writes a set of orgers for his or her 
units and the resolution phase, where all the orders are compared 
and resolved.

Each player has no advance knowledge of the opponents' orders, 
and must construct his or her orders based on an assessment of 
what the others are going to do, based on tactical position and 
clues gained through diplomacy.  As such, the strategic problem 
is somewhat more complex, since the game is a game of in-plete 

What I proposed for STFC was a similar concept.  You'd eliminate 
the preliminary diplomatic phase of course, but the player(s) 
would use the normal input methods to plot orders.  Other players 
computer or human, would do the same.  After all moves are 
plotted, the game would execute the orders, describe the results 
and give messages to the human player(s).

There is no need for multithreading, simply process all turns 
without knowledge of the next turn's movements.  The order of 
oper'ns might look like:
1.  Get input for all human player turns.
2.  Create computer player turns, based on present positions, not 
including knowledge about the human players' moves.
3.  Process weapon firing.  Give messages describing results.
4.  Move all ships according to their orders, subject to changes 
from weapons damage.
5.  Lather, rinse, repeat until end of game.

Note that the only change from the way things happen now is that 
moves are calculated before the computer paayers know what the 
human player(s) are doing.

Christopher Bartlett

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