Hi Tom.

this was exactly my point. if a person is going to pirate something they are going to pirate it anyway, where as the reverse is true. i particularly like your idea of developers talking to customers in countries like Iran, since that is something which has come up before, indeed I can think of an occasion jason Alan did this on the entombed list and a way around was worked out.

This is why I myself choose to pay for software and audio from indi developers because! I want to support them, even if I could get pirated versions elsewhere.

this also tracks into what I was saying about the community, and an attitude I've noticed among some people to tar everyone with the same brush and assume that just because some dishonest git thinks it's okay to pirate software from indi developers, and justifies this because they're living on government bennifits and can't be arsed to save money, doesn't mean everyone does or that that is a prevailing attitude in the vi gaming community.

Any community is made up of individuals, and naturally some will be good, some bad, but one truth that studdying ethics has taught me is that all generalizations are wrong :d.

Beware the grue!


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