Hi list,

I just rejoined under a new Email, I have been here before. As such, I 
haven't read this full thread, but what I have sounds promising. I can't 
say if any of the ideas being bounced around would work for me unless I 
actually heard an audio file of how it would work, or did it myself, but 
I like the idea of an accessible Mario. I'd certainly be willing to test 
any concepts you may come up with.


Dark wrote:
> Oh how irrirrirrirrirrirratating to get that rarrarrarrong.
> tha'tha'tha'that's all folks!
> Seriously, any comments on the idea would be more than welcome.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Bryan Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
> Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 9:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Forcing accessibility
>> One R, Dark, only one R in Mario.
>> Bryan and Jennie
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Dark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
>> Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 1:22 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Forcing accessibility
>>> This actually appears to be one of those times i was talking about where
>>> different people's ideas compensate for each other, sinse I can certainly
>>> think of a way to wrender original Marrio bross in audio, whereas
>>> Bomberman
>>> does have me stumped (we philosophers are very good at over complicating
>>> matters).
>>> As far as Marrio goes, there are actually only four different types of
>>> collectable items in the game, thus replicating them in audio wouldn't be
>>> too hard, mushrooms (which make Marrio larger and have an extra hit), 
>>> Fire
>>> flowers, extra lives and coins.
>>> What requires the thought in marrio is the spacial aspects of the game,
>>> and
>>> how to represent objects vertically, I do think however, it'd be quite
>>> possible.
>>> (beware, long explanation ahead).
>>> Taking Superliam as a baseline, representing the charactor's footsteps,
>>> pits, walking or bouncing monsters and power ups lying on the floor is 
>>> all
>>> fine.
>>> sinse Marrio's main attack is to jump on his enemies heads, there would
>>> need
>>> to be an added "On targit" sound for when Marrio was in the air above a
>>> potential victim, so that the audio gamer could calculate their jumps
>>> correctly, but I don't think this would be too hard to do (Marrio always
>>> had
>>> quite a lot of air time on his jumps anyway).
>>> then, sinse in Marrio gaps are of variable distance, there would need to
>>> be
>>> a system to represent gap length. However sinse Marrio is structured
>>> almost
>>> as a board game with descrete steps and tiles, and distances you can
>>> calculate precisely, I don't believe this would present too much trouble.
>>> For example, you could have a low humming pulse like the shades turn
>>> sound),
>>> to indicate when a pit was deadly, overlayed by either a high, or low
>>> pitched wind sound to indicate the length of the gap and whether a normal
>>> or
>>> dashing jump was required to cross it.
>>> You would also need an alarm signal noise or different step sound to
>>> represent when Marrio was on the edge of a pit.
>>> Well, there's the horizontal plane taken care of!
>>> As to the vertical, when a block was close over marrio's head, the step
>>> sounds could be muffled (think small rooms in shades of doom). 
>>> Optionally,
>>> there could be drecrease decreased muffling for blocks that were further
>>> away but stil directly overhead, though I don't believe this would be
>>> necessary. Also optionally, when the block overhead contained an item, as
>>> well as the muffled step there could be an indicator sound such as a
>>> continuous ring, (though sinse headbutting blocks in search of items
>>> wouldn't actually be a problem, I don't believe this would be absolutely
>>> crucial either).
>>> Combine this with an "oof!" sound every time Marrio walks into a wall, 
>>> and
>>> maybe a check distance key to see how many steps through the level Marrio
>>> is, and Vuala!
>>> I hope this explanation is clear enough, but iff not, I'm quite willing 
>>> to
>>> write up an example of how a game of audio Marrio under these
>>> circumstances
>>> would work, however I think if I make this mail any longer I'll have
>>> trouble
>>> posting it.
>>> all the best,
>>> Dark.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
>>> Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 7:00 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Forcing accessibility
>>>> Hi Dark,
>>>> Well, obviously some games are going to be harder to translate in to
>>>> audio than others.
>>>> I think bomberman would be possible, and you could be over complicating
>>>> it some. I haven't thought it totally through as well as you have, but
>>>> having played the original eons ago I think an audio version could be
>>>> possible.
>>>> What I am thinking would be difficult is games where there are no audio
>>>> equals for the items in the game. For example take a classic game like
>>>> Mario brothers.
>>>> I have been doing allot of thinking about it, and honestly some of the
>>>> things has me baffled how to represent the same things in audio. Take
>>>> the blocks Mario has to break to get items. How would you represent
>>>> them, and not sound corny in the process.
>>>> Then, there are special flowers in Mario that shrink Mario, restore
>>>> Mario, make Mario Super Mario, and one that gives Mario fire ability,
>>>> etc...
>>>> You have to have some auditory way of making the different flowers and
>>>> items apparent to a blind gamer as they would to a sighted gamer, but
>>>> not dumb or silly in the process.
>>>> One way I can imagine it being done is a looping item indicater that
>>>> says fire  flower, fire  flower, fire flower, over and over until you
>>>> take it.
>>>> That is how Phil did the fruit in Packman and while being different it
>>>> was a pretty good solution for that interesting problem.
>>>> However, for a sighted gamer that would be exceedingly annoying.
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