Hi Josh,
That is because the GMA Game Engine was not designed for creating free 
games. The way the GMA Engine currently works is  that the first game 
level is a free game demo. Later levels require a product key to unlock. 
So in order to create a 10 level game with the engine the first level 
will be free, but the remaining 9 levels require someone to purchase a 
product key to access and play levels 2 through 10. Since the GMA Engine 
requires a hardware ID you can't just buy one key and ship it out to 
unlock x number of games. The best you could do if you want to go free 
with the engine is create several 1 level games.
Now, USA Games does have an engine of our own in production called 
Genesis. I have not yet decided on how to license or what to charge for 
the technology, but it is crystal clear there is a huge demand for the 
ability to create games with a tool or engine with little programming 

jeh wrote:
> hi phil,
> Why is there a one-level limit built into the engine?
> Josh

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