totally agree with you there.

RPG's are my favorite, or close to it.

That's why I have started in coding my own MOO, which is a type of MUD -- on my MUD I enforce being "in-character", so the RP gets very intensive, at times. I also like how adventurous MUDS and other text-games can seem at times. That's why they call the older text games text-adventures, I would imagine.

----- Original Message ----- From: "James Howard" <> To: "Charles Rivard" <>; "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The real Game Circle

I'll admit, I'm not into audio games that much, because of the simple
fact, they're like some say, not really inovative.  I don't know about
rail racer, cause I haven't ried it yet, but I'm planning on doing so.
If I do play any audio games, I only stick to the ones that go online,
thats the biggest threal I get out of them right now.
I go with alot of people said, I would love to see more complex stuff,
real rpgs, just to name a certain type I like.  but if I game was more
complex, had more of a plot, and alot more involved, I'd be more into
playing it.
I enjoy the stuff Che has done with the online card stuff, I'm sort of
hooked on that.

On 8/14/09, Charles Rivard <> wrote:
I'll bet that technical support for a game that was created by a bunch of
different developers would be a mess, too.
Shepherds are the best beasts.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Che" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The real Game Circle

regarding the idea of developers teaming up, it is a great idea in theory,

but a diffficult one to put into practice in reality.
every developer i have talked to without exception, myself included have large egos and set ways of doing things, this would be a serious problem i

secondly, deciding how to whack up the proceeds would be a huge issue.
 lastly, all involved would have to agree on a language to use for
programming, which may or may not be a big problem depending on folks
anyhow, if some developers can get something done as a group, i'm all for
it. but i know as for myself, i work better alone, where the vision is
one, all problems as well as successes are also mine alone to deal with,
and if something is screwed up, i have nobody to blame but myself.
 i think this could work out if everyone agreed on the outline of the
project, and designed things modularly so each programmer would have their

own little corner to work on, which could be intergrated into the whole
later on. once again, easier said than done.

----- Original Message -----
From: "william lomas" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The real Game Circle

it will be interesting though to be fair, to see what draconis have up
their sleives. i thought 2009 was the year for draconis, but nothing as
of yet?

On 14 Aug 2009, at 07:29, Thomas Ward wrote:

Well said. I too also feel as though the accessible games we have are a

bit disappointing. No disrespect to my fellow game developers,  but
there really isn't anything that is really new or innovative to  speak
of besides Rail Racer.
For the most part accessible games tend to fall into two catagories.
Either they are simple board and card games, or an arcade game type
theme. Personally, I find the options rather limitting compared to what

was available to me before I lost my sight, and is the main  reason I
began writing accesible games myself.
As for the GMA engine I have to disagree with you. Besides the fact it is a bit old it still is one of the best tools an accessible developer
can use. It is an FPS game engine, and in the right hands  it could be
used to create some killer accessible games. We have already seen what it can do with Shades of Doom and Tank Commander, and I think with some

updates it should be able to create games more or less on par with Star

Trek Elite Force, Star Wars Jedi Knight,   etc. In some respects it
isn't the fault of the tool here, but  perhaps it is the developer's
lack of imagination, creativity, or  experience with full blown FPS
games here.
As for the Star Wars game I was working on I had to put that project on

hold for a couple of reasons. First, I am still trying to work  with
Lucas Film on obtaining a Star Wars license. Second, when  Alchemy
closed up I took over their games and projects which I want to complete

before returning to my own original projects.

CSF inc. wrote:
With the current game circle we have as blind gamers, it's
disappointing; There are interesting games we play but very few; other

games are not accessible to certain computers and operating  systems;
others are so simple and plain, for some of us who has played "regular

games," it's disheartening; Effort should be made  into making games
more involved, more ideas "ie stop making games  off of GMA's frame
work," There is only 1 Shades, 1 Tank  Commander..  lastly, we need
games we can play along with our  sighted family like "Soul Caliber".
We have no fighting games, no  sports games we can play without some
A.I. making it not real; even though the 2nd best player in the world
in Mortal Combat is Blind!!  We should of taken that  initiative

and created some type of fighting game at least similar to Mortal..
Are blind people not sports fans? would we like to box? run the
football? aim the pitch in a baseball game? even fly a F-16 in
combat.. Sim's are O.K. I guess, but it takes the control and fun out of the game.. Some will complain about this post, some will agree; the

point is We Need More Variety, And Not The Same Games  With Different
Titles.. What happened to Star Wars Jedi attack? OOh  Yeah Baby..
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