Regarding online play, i've found you really need to have some central way for folks to get in touch and schedule games with such a small player base. we do a lot of online racing when there are railr acer tournaments, and the tournament system allows players to schedule their head to head matches when each player can do so. also, players post their matches to the email list, so others can join in and race with them. same for the card room. with the sit and go tournaments, players post their games either to the game board on the web site or to the email list, and usually the table fills up pretty quick. As for sound rts, i've offered to let folks use my tournament system for matches, but nobody seems to want to pick up the ball on that one, and I don't have the time to organize it myself. bottom line, if yer gonna have a successful online game, you must have a system in place for folks to find out about upcoming games.

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