The axe bug is another one I intend to fix, but just haven't had the time yet.

When it comes to finding duplicate guns, this was specifically designed as an 
incentive to adventure out with less than an armful of guns.  If you had 1 of 
every gun, you have absolutely no chance to find another gun which would donate 
in to a good amount of reputation.  If however you donate half of your guns 
then you have a chance of finding new versions of those guns that will be worth 
a lot.

If you have a favorite gun that you want a backup of, you can always buy a 
second one at the Safe Zone.  That should work in case it is broken by a zombie.

> Ok, the first thing I speak on is
> theĀ  axe bug. I don't know how this
> works, but if you switch from the axe to something that
> needs
> reloading very quickly, say in the heat of battle, and you
> reload that
> thing, the axe becomes one ammo for that thing. That's how
> you lose
> your axe.
> Now for something different. Many who know the characters
> Slade and
> Liberty will know how hard I try to impress upon people
> that death, as
> a part of the game, should involve risk and loss. I firmly
> hold to
> that, and I only point out how much it means to me now,
> because I
> think that you should regain your starting supply of
> equipment each
> time you die. When you start, you get a pistol, eight
> rounds in your
> pistol, and a field kit with one medkit loaded. This really
> isn't
> much, but it's better than the pistol with eight rounds you
> get on
> death. Yeah, people could cheat a little harder and donate
> stuff and
> go die again, but if people are going to cheat, they will,
> and there's
> technically nothing to do about it in this case. Starting
> with a
> little something will prevent the ease of just dying again
> that many
> experience on death.
> Now for the next topic. it once was that Swamp was
> configured to allow
> only one weapon of a type to be carried. Before, that made
> sense, as
> you only ever needed one weapon, and others would turn into
> ammo. Now,
> with the exception of the pistol, which seems so
> rediculously common
> that it's worth ten reputation points to donate and
> everyone gets one
> no matter what, all the weapons are worth more than their
> respective
> ammo. Imagine you get a hunting rifle, or even better an
> assault
> rifle. Those are worth a pretty penny, as such things go,
> in the safe
> zone. Now, if you should stumble across another one, you
> won't get it.
> Instead, you get 40 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Useful, true, but
> honestly
> you'd get that anyway, as you find guns fully loaded. I
> suggest
> therefore that not only is it good for rep to be able to
> pick up
> seconds or thirds and beyond in a type of weapon, but that
> if your
> primary breaks, you have a secondary to fall back on. In
> fact, hitting
> the number key a number of times might switch to that
> weapon, so say
> you have three shotguns, all loaded but the third set to
> scattershot,
> you could hit the three key three times and get to your
> scattershot
> weapon. Yeah, donating is great, too, but having a backup
> might be
> nice.
> Fally, I suggest that guns you buy from the safe zone
> should be fully
> loaded, like the ones you find in the field. In the case of
> the m60 or
> minigun, this is a pretty hefty chunk of ammo and rep, but
> it's really
> worth it. Either guns in the SZ should be loaded or the
> guns you find
> in the field shouldn't be, just for parallel's sake if
> nothing else.
> Signed:
> Dakotah Rickard

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