Hi Dark,

Oh, like I just said to Jim that is a pretty universal view of Ouija
Boards. Its no wonder because weather we are talking about
documentaries, movies, or the run of the mill television show Ouija
Boards are often linked to spiritualism, ghost hunting, and/or
seances. However, despite the popular opinion or view of Ouija Boards
Hasbro consistently maintains its a harmless game or kids toy. Which
was the point I wanted to make earlier.

As for the issue of fake mediums I know all to well how they can take
advantage of someones grief. I remember after my grandpa died all my
grandma did for months is watch Crossing Over, and tell everyone who
would listen she wanted to save her money to go see John Edwards and
speak to my grandpa one last time. Now, as I indicated before I have
no idea if this guy is ligit or not, but if he isn't my grandma would
have been the perfect victim simply because we had a difficult time
talking her out of doing it. Fortunately, we did manage to talk her
into keeping her money and accept the fact my grandpa was dead. Still,
it makes a person wonder how many people are that willing to be taken
in by some  medium who may or may not be able to do what they claim.
Apparently quite a lot of people because it is more common than one
might think.

For example, a few years ago I read a book on faked miracles. It was
chocked full of ministers, priests, mediums, and other religious
figures who were pulling scams from your everyday faith healing, to
crying statues, to fake prophecies.  You wouldn't believe the length
some of those people went through to scam people out of money and the
people had no clue that they were being taken to the cleaners.

In one case I remember this minister would have people sign in at the
door. They'd have to fill out a little index card with their name, a
brief description of their problem, and they would pay a small
donation like $5 or $10. During the sermon he'd have a little wireless
microphone stashed in his ear and someone backstage would pick cards
out of the stack at random, read it to the minister while he was out
front on stage, and the minister would call so and so to the stage and
tell them God had heard their prayers, that this or that would be
taken care of, they would be healed, etc. Everyone would ooh and awe
at this seeming direct contact to God and money would flow into his
pockets through his awed congregation. It was only after he fleeced
the sheep for a few million dollars that someone got wise to his
little scam and he ended up in prison for fraud.

However, this case is an example of how easy it is for criminals to
take advantage of peoples beliefs, expectations, and out right
naivety. What makes that case in particular so shocking is the clue
was right in front of everyone with them having to fill out the index
cards which the minister and his associates were using to make the
scam sound believable. No one thought to consider if this guy was
truly in contact with God why would he need index cards with that kind
of information on it?

Anyway, like you I'm pretty agnostic when it comes to spiritualism,
religion, and the supernatural in general, but if there is any truth
to it at all one has to be very careful to sort the criminals out from
the real faith healers, mediums, etc as there is a mine field of
crooks preying upon peoples gullibility.


On 7/13/12, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> Hi Tom.
> I was obviously not aware of this, or maybe it's just something that is more
> common in the Us than over here, but certainly I've only ever heard ouija
> boards associated with contacting spirits of the dead. While I know people
> can be more or less serious about this, and it can sometimes be done for
> amusement, I always assumed the underlying principle wass spiritual, even if
> the participants aren't taking it too seriously.
> As for fake mediums, it's quite sad actually, and really not a pleasant
> thing especially when such people who are usually feeling extreme grief over
> the death of a relative are charged huge amounts for such things.
> beware the grue!
> Dark.
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